The difference between a Mac and Windows
Apple's attention to detail is insane.
Apple's attention to detail is insane.
Just another milestone.
It is not always necessarily to be the faster, the better. Slow doesn't define us as a failure.
Life is long if you know how to use it.
When it's free to use a product or service, you are the biggest product.
There is absolute significance of slowing down and detaching voluntarily and intentionally from Internet.
Differentiate what truly matters to our life and bring us value, both intrinsically and extrinsically. A slow living lifestyle will definitely help along this journey. By slowing down our pace of everyday living, we take more time to appreciate and reflect moments in life.
We are living fine but not living well
It's not necessary to inject social media and interaction to every corner of our online activities.
What's the meaning of living at the moment?
Soaring into the sky
Carpe diem
If we see these through with the tool of skepticism, we may seek the truth behind the mist.
I think the power of music is not just on how it affects our emotions. It’s about connecting and paying respect to our species.
The world itself is eventually going to be doomed, most likely by humans rather than extraterrestrial factors. Looking back at our history, were most disasters manmade or natural? Among those manmade disasters, are most of them due to our curiosity or cruelty?
The whole Internet is just getting a bit more crazier.
A poem found at nowhere.
The creation should still go on because there will be no listening if there's no voice. Every voice counts and every opinion matters.
Games are not always bad for you.
Just a get-away walk from urban life.
Keep things going cos I am already more fortunate than many others.
A poem
I hope to continue on my path to self-discovery and a fulfilled heart.
Tackling difficult work down is just like going for a simple run.
We are all designers of our lives.